How to Make Your Home Fire Resistant
When it comes to your home, it’s important to be proactive about fire prevention. There are several steps you can take to make your house more resistant to a potential fire. Here are a few ways to get started.
Start with the exterior. Take a look at your home’s surroundings. If you have any dry branches or dead trees around your house, trim them or cut them down. Dry, dead vegetation is highly flammable. Similarly, make sure your gutters and the area around your home is free of things like dead leaves and old branches.
Consider tile or metal roofing. If it’s time to reroof your home, you might want to consider tile or metal roofing. Both options are fire-resistant and will last longer than a traditional asphalt roof.
Add brick or stone to the exterior. Materials like brick and stone are fire resistant, and a better option than building with wood. Even adding a brick or stone facade can improve the overall safety of your home.
Remove candles. As tempting as candles are, it’s a good idea to remove them from your house entirely. It’s easy to forget them, and when they’re left lit they can cause a serious fire hazard. Trade your candles for their battery-operated counterparts.
Don’t forget your smoke detector or fire extinguisher. Every home should have a smoke detector and fire extinguisher. Smoke detector batteries should be changed annually. Your fire extinguisher should be in an accessible place and not expired.
If you have experienced a house fire or are concerned your home has a potential fire hazard, call our team.