Tackle Indoor Home Humidity

mother and daughter reading a book

Summer in Alaska can bring unpredictable temperatures, which can play with the amount of moisture and humidity in the air. Tack on the heat from cooking and showering during July and August, and you’ve just added an abundance of moisture to the home you live in. So, what’s the problem? Besides being a little uncomfortable, humidity levels can pose health risks from dust mites and mold. It can also result in structural damage to your home. While air conditioners are great for reducing indoor humidity, they are not always cost-effective to run on a regular basis. Instead, try one of these inexpensive ways to control the humidity levels in your home over the next few months:

  1. Does your thermostat display humidity levels? If so, you want to keep the relative humidity below 55%. If not, get a hold of a hygrometer.

  2. In areas that produce high levels of moisture such as the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room, install exhaust fans.

  3. Resist the urge to take long, hot showers. Instead, cut back on your water use and take shorter showers at cooler temperatures. Also, invest in a low-flow showerhead to decrease the amount of steam produced.

  4. Looking for cooking appliances other than your stove? Get outside and start the BBQ. Summer was made for grilling. If indoor cooking is more your style, purchase a slow cooker, as they release less steam and produce fantastic meal alternatives.

  5. If you’re having trouble keeping high humidity levels balanced, use a dehumidifier. Follow manufacturer’s instructions and keep windows and doors closed when in use.


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