Why Cleaning Your Upholstery is Important

living room with a white couch and coffee table

We regularly clean our home and carpets, but one area we tend to neglect is our upholstery. Our upholstered furniture is among some of the most used things in the house. The fabric parts of our couches, armchair chairs, and dining chairs are more susceptible to damage than their wood and metal counterparts. Extra special attention should be paid to these pieces to ensure they’re in great shape. Here’s why you should consider scheduling a professional upholstery cleaning to target these areas.

Appearance. You invest a lot of money into your furniture. Protect it from wear to extend its longevity and appearance. Discoloration and stains can make your furniture look aged and unclean. Regularly cleaning your upholstery will prevent dirt, grime, and stain build-up and will keep it looking new throughout the years to come.

Health. Upholstered furniture collects not only dirt but various things floating through the air. Bacteria, mold, fleas, dust mites, and other unpleasant things can make their way into the fibers and pose a health risk to your family. Even though you might not be able to see these things on the surface of the fabric, it could be lurking underneath. Cleaning will remove these problems and leave your upholstery germ-free.

Smell. With all the traffic your furniture gets, it could be collecting foul odors from its surroundings. If you have children or pets, or if you have experienced spills - the smell could be even more prominent. A good clean will freshen up the smell and improve your home’s overall air quality.

If you are ready to schedule an upholstery cleaning and improve the health of your home, our team is ready to help. We can do the cleaning in the comfort of your home or bring your furniture to our warehouse.


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